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Our Main Philanthropy

The House of Ruth Maryland leads the fight to end violence against women and their children by confronting the attitudes, behaviors, and systems that perpetuate it, and by providing victims with the services necessary to rebuild their lives safely and free of fear.  


The members of Phi Alpha Mu are very passionate about the cause of and services that House of Ruth Maryland provides. With some siblings who have even benefited from HoR's aid, Phi Alph passionately raises money throughout the year to donate. We also love to send donations and letters during the holidays! 


Check out the House of Ruth's Website or our YouTube video where siblings talk about what House of Ruth means to them. 

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siblings in charge


Amia Groomes


Abigail Thomas 
Asst. Philanthropy


Maddie Sellers

race for her 5k and scholarship

The Annual Race for Her 5K has been postponed due to COVID-19 Restrictions. The sorority and alumnae are working hard to find a way to host it this coming spring!


All the money we raise will go towards helping women and children affected by intimate partner violence get emergency shelter, legal help, counseling, and more! We also split the money raised to add to our scholarship, which was created to help McDaniel people afford higher education. All the proceeds of the race will go towards two phenomenal causes! 


Look out for updates on our Instagram page, Facebook page, and more. For any questions or donations, get in touch with our team below.


relay for life

Every Spring Phi Alpha Mu participates in Relay for Life with other Greek organizations at McDaniel College. The event, run by the American Cancer Society, raises money for cancer research over the course of a few months and takes place every April. 


The school is working hard to see if we will be able to host it this coming spring in 2021. Look for updates on our Instagram, Facebook, and more. Again, for any questions or donations, get in touch with the siblings below!

© 2021 by ΦΑΜ. Love Trust Loyalty

Greek Life | Phi Alpha Mu | United States

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